
Jokowi's First Year: A Challenge on Corruption Eradication From the outset,…
“Dewie Limpo only got 50% bribery” http://koran.tempo.co/konten/2015/10/22/…
  “ICW give red marks on Jokowi-JK one-year corruption eradication performance…
“ICW suggest to replace Attorney General”http://koran.tempo.co/konten/2015/10/…
“President assure revision will strengthen KPK”Media Indonesia, Saturday,…
Public Official Impunity à la Jokowi After nearly one year of Joko Widodo (…
“Not only delayed, KPK Law Revision must be rejected” Media Indonesia, Thursday…
“Stop Plan to Revise KPK Law”http://print.kompas.com/baca/2015/10/13/Hentikan-…
“Corruptors Strike With Double Bill”http://koran.tempo.co/konten/2015/10/12/…
KPK in the brink of abyss: How the Revision of KPK Law will permanently impair…
“DPR Intend to Eradicate Anti Graft Commission”http://koran.tempo.co/konten/…
“Draft Law Limit KPK Lifespan for 12 Years”http://koran.tempo.co/konten/2015/10…
“Jokowi Promises Middle Ground” http://koran.tempo.co/konten/2015/10/06/384505/…
“KPK Probe Gatot's Alleged Graft for Prosecutors”http://koran.tempo.co/konten/…
Muddled Local Election Candidacy and Eradicating Corruption Local Electoral…
“Corruption Eradication Will Not Be Hampered”Media Indonesia, Thursday, October…
“AGO Called on Transparency of Corruption Cases Handling”http://nasional.kompas…
“Fuad Amin Charged with 15 Years”http://print.kompas.com/baca/2015/09/29/Fuad-…
“ICW To Inquire Public Information on Corruption Cases”http://sp.beritasatu.com…
Again, Corruption Convict Found Traveling This week the public is shocked by a…