
TODAY'S HEADLINES:  “KPK Contender Answer Allegation of Cutting Case Budget”…
RECENT HEADLINES:  “Independence of KPK Candidates from Police Questioned”http…
WEEKLY SUMMARY Tuesday, August 18, 2015 The Corruption Eradication Commission…
“When MA Backs Sarpin” http://nasional.tempo.co/read/news/2015/08/20/063693525/…
“Pansel KPK Acknowledge Dubious Candidates”http://koran.tempo.co/konten/2015/08…
“Dreams of Indonesian Children Color Palace Ceremonies”http://koran.tempo.co/…
President Joko Widodo finally reshuffled his cabinet. A number of ministers or…
WEEKLY SUMMARY Monday, August 3, 2015 Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) revealed…
“Bansos Case Drop Scheming Attended by Nasdem Chiefs”http://koran.tempo.co/…
“PKS Member Expose Gatot”http://koran.tempo.co/konten/2015/08/05/379271/Kader-…
“ICW: Corruption Fighting Challenges Now More Complex”http://news.metrotvnews.…
TODAY’S HEADLINES  “Kabareskrim: ICW Case to Continue”http://www.beritasatu.com…
WEEKLY SUMMARY:  Monday, July 27, 2015 Two Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW)…
TODAY'S HEADLINES:  “Press Council To Be Questioned”http://print.kompas.com/…
“Budi Waseso Admits No Jokowi Order” http://koran.tempo.co/konten/2015/07/28/…
TODAY'S HEADLINES: "Bareskrim Asked to Cease News Source Criminalization"http…
Monday, July 20, 2015 The legal defense team of OC Kaligis had prepared steps…
THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES Monday, July 6th, 2015 Selection Committee (Pansel) of…
TODAY’S HEADLINES:  "Bareskrim Issue Warning to ICW Pair"http://news.detik.com/…


Adnan Topan Husodo Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), one of the oldest anti-…