
TODAY’S HEADLINES:  "Bareskrim Issue Warning to ICW Pair"http://news.detik.com/…
TODAY’S HEADLINES:  "Internal Candidates Have The Edge"http://koran.tempo.co/…
The extended family of Indonesia Corruption Watch wish you a HAPPY EID MUBARAK…
TODAY’S HEADLINES: "Attorney General Will Not Endorse KPK Prosecutor" http://…
TODAY’S HEADLINES: "Several Candidates Viewed Negatively"http://koran.tempo.co/…
THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES Monday, June 29 2015 Government plans to sanction tax…
TODAY’S HEADLINES: "Sutan Denies Pocketing Money from ESDM"http://print.kompas.…
TODAY’S HEADLINES: "To Accuse ICW of Defamation, Police Utilize Maximum…
TODAY'S HEADLINES: "Romli's Lawsuit Blemish Law Education in Society"http://…
TODAY'S HEADLINES:  "Tax Amnesty for Corruptors Could Undermine Global Image"…
THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES Monday, June 22, 2015 President Joko Widodo explicitly…
TODAY’S HEADLINES: “Government Rejects DPR Aspiration Fund”http://www.tempo.…
TODAY’S HEADLINES: "Government's Position is Determinant"http://print.kompas.…
TODAY’S HEADLINES: "KPK Law Revision Move Ahead at DPR"Media Indonesia,…
TODAY’S HEADLINES: "President Revoke KPK Law Revision"Media Indonesia, Monday,…
THE WEEK'S HEADLINES Monday, June 15, 2015 KPK have reopened the 2011 driving…
"KPK: Wiretaps has become primary evidence in corruption cases”http://nasional.…
TODAY’S HEADLINES:  "President Unaware of Revision Plan"http://print.kompas.…
"Police Push Three Names to Lead KPK"http://print.kompas.com/baca/2015/06/16/…
TODAY’S HEADLINES:   “Avoid Impression of Institutional Representation at KPK…