Public procurement is one of the public sectors that is highly vulnerable to corruption. The…
The state of corruption eradication in Indonesia remains a cause for concern. Transparency…
The Global Commission on Elections, Democracy & Security, through its report released in 2012,…
Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), alongside with two experts, namely Dr. Totok Dwi Diantoro, S.H.,…
The use of digital currencies has become one of the outcomes of various digitalization initiatives…
The reason why the coal industry in Indonesia can continue to grow despite often receiving massive…
In this report, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) investigates the businesses in the extractive and…
This publication showcases how governments and civic tech communities around the world can work…
This report reveals connections between public officials and the energy industry, particularly coal…
Corruption in the public procurement sector continues to be a global issue. According to a report…
The Government’s commitment to eradicating and preventing corruption throughout the year 2022 must…
The practice of concurrent positions continues to be a problem in Indonesia. In general, the…
Good governance requires information disclosure as one of its foundations. Simultaneously, freedom…
Indonesia Corruption Watch analyzed infrastructure tenders in 2020 to understand how the country…
In the past 10 years, 53% of public tenders in Indonesia were about constructions. It is recorded…
In 2018, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) initiated various advocacy work to encourage public…
Public procurement is essential to development. Fair and equitable development may also lead to…
Indonesia is a country that is ranked first in Southeast Asia regarding the number of cases of …
The police is a State organ that has been separated from ABRI as the armed forces since the post-…
The coal industry has had a lot of negative impacts. Upstream, children die as a result of…