Monitoring Report Trends in Prosecution of Corruption Cases in 2022

The Government’s commitment to eradicating and preventing corruption throughout the year 2022 must be questioned. Indisputably, the consistent increase in corruption cases shows that the various efforts made by the Government has increasingly hit a dead end. This is at least reflected in the latest Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International Indonesia (TII) which shows that in 2022 Indonesia will experience a very drastic decrease in its score from 38 to 34.
It is important to note that the drop in the score by 4 points is the worst decline since the reform era. In addition, Indonesia's ranking has also slipped from 96th in 2021 to 110th out of 180 countries surveyed. The decline in points and Indonesia's CPI rating is actually a reflection of the poor commitment to eradicating corruption carried out during Joko Widodo's administration, including the prosecution of corruption cases. This is further strengthened by TII's record which shows that the indicators of anti-corruption law enforcement have proven to be ineffective in eradicating corruption.
Looking closely at the year 2022, the condition of corruption in Indonesia is increasingly worrying indeed. Corruption occurs in almost all sectors of government which include executive, legislative and judicial as shown in the recent corruption case of the Supreme Court judges. As a result, the principle of checks and balances between the three branches of power does not work. Instead of being a balancer, each of these institutions is in a vortex of corruption. As a result, the parody of the trias politicia into the trias corruptica perfectly describes this situation.
Consequently, these conditions will require Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA), namely the Attorney General's Office (AGO), the Police, and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as the backbone of corruption eradication. However, in order to maintain the checks and balances of case handling and to ensure that the legal process runs fairly and objectively and to avoid the potential for abuse of authority by law enforcement, community participation in conducting oversight will be the key.
As in previous times, ICW monitor the prosecution of corruption cases in 2022. For more details, the monitoring results document is attached.