
SUMMARY: On Friday, January 30, the KPK issued a second summons for…
While many people have placed their hopes on the Corruption Court, its verdicts…
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s concern about practices of money politics…
This draft discussion report is the product of a core team consisting of Sarwar…
Investigators on Wednesday questioned the governor of Aceh province over his…
Korupsi Politik, apa itu? Klik di sini untuk download dokumen ini dalam format…


Recently elected Indonesian President Joko Widodo passed one of the first tests…
Despite some unresolved problems plaguing the tender process of the national…
The protracted drama that preceded the Cabinet reshuffle has ended. Taking a…
The protracted drama that preceded the Cabinet reshuffle has ended. Taking a…
The G20 Conference in Bali earlier this month, which addressed international…
Atmosfer optimisme terhadap upaya pemberantasan korupsi kian suram saja.…

Press Release

-  Jangan Biarkan KPK Tersandera Oleh Calon Pimpinan yang Bermasalah - Setelah…
Press Release -  Jangan Biarkan KPK Tersandera Oleh Calon Pimpinan yang…
Pernyataan Pers Bertepatan dengan Puncak Perayaan Milad yang ke 68, tanggal 30…


Berbicara mengenai pemuda, peranan generasi muda, dan mahasiswa, adalah hal…
Antigraft group Indonesia Corruption Watch predictably upset Attorney General…
The fund for this project is provided by the World Bank and the State Budget (…
Empat tokoh masyarakat terpilih sebagai penerima Bung Hatta Anti Corruption…
Transparency International Indonesia (TII) said here on Tuesday that none of…