- Jangan Biarkan KPK Tersandera Oleh Calon Pimpinan yang Bermasalah -
Setelah berulangkali mengalami pengunduran waktu, Komisi III DPR akhirnya mulai melakukan uji kelayakan atau fit & proper test 8 calon pimpinan KPK pada 28 bovember 2011 lalu. Jika tak lagi tekendala suatu masalah maka awal desember ini 4 pimpinan KPK akan terpilih untuk mendampingi Busro Muqoddas.
Despite some unresolved problems plaguing the tender process of the national electronic citizen identity card (E-ID) program, the Home Ministry insists that the show must go on.
The project, which was launched in February and targeted to be completed at the end of 2012, has been marred with technical glitches and corruption allegations. In a nutshell, it is a controversial and inefficient government project that lacked a solid grand design.