Anti-Corruption Daily Digest: Update 2015-2-4

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Vice Chair Bambang Widjojanto (BW) underwent questioning at National Police headquarters on Tuesday, Feb. 3. Despite supporters’ fears he would be detained, he was released roughly nine hours later. After his questioning, BW told media he hoped that his willingness to undergo another round of interrogation would help to build trust between the two law enforcement institutions and encourage cooperation from witnesses that had been summoned by the KPK in the investigation of Budi Gunawan.
Jokowi met with representatives from the parties in his legislative coalition on the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 3. Led by PDI-P, coalition leaders urged Jokowi to allow the Budi Gunawan’s pre-trial motion hearing to conclude before making any decisions. Budi Gunawan has also fended off calls for his withdrawal from the top cop position, including from senior presidential advisors, by asking for time to conclude his pre-trial motion.
Media reports on Tuesday evening quoted the head of the President’s independent advisory committee, the so-called “Team of Nine”, as saying that the President had decided to cancel Budi Gunawan’s inauguration as the new National Police Chief. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, head of the Team of Nine, said the President was certain about his decision, but was waiting for the right moment to make a public statement on the issue. Jokowi is scheduled to depart for a five-day tour of ASEAN countries, including Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and The Philippines, on Thursday, Feb. 5. The President has said he would announce a decision next week, but remains non-committal about what his decision will be.
Budi Waseso, head of the National Police’s detective division (BARESKRIM), announced on Tuesday evening that letters authorizing investigations into KPK Chair Abraham Samad, KPK Commissioner Adnan Pandu Praja and KPK Commissioner Zulkarnain had already been released, and that an indictment of Abraham Samad was imminent.
The KPK is mulling a decision to pursue additional charges against former Democratic party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin. Although the former party operative is currently serving a seven-year sentence for bribery in connection to the construction of sporting facilities in South Sumatra, the KPK has launched an inquiry into allegations of money laundering stemming from Nazaruddin’s purchase of nearly $24 million in shares of national airline Garuda Indonesia. KPK Vice Chair Bambang Widjajanto said the anti-graft body was currently considering how to proceed with the evidence it had already collected, in light of its limited resources.
Tuesday, Feb. 3 – KPK Vice Chair Bambang Widjojanto (BW) questioned at police HQ
Tuesday, Feb. 3 – Representatives of Jokowi’s legislative coalition meet at the Presidential Palace to discuss Budi’s pre-trial hearings
Tuesday, Feb. 3 – Ahmad Syafii Maarif, head of the Team of Nine, announces Jokowi has already decided to withdraw Budi Gunawan’s nomination, no independent confirmation of this statement.
Wednesday, Feb. 4 – National Police reveal investigations into remaining KPK commissioners already underway, indictment of Abraham Samad imminent
KPK Vice Chair Bambang Widjojanto’s (BW) release from police custody following his questioning has helped to allay earlier fears about his immediate detention. Although BW’s rhetoric has emphasized the “gentlemanly” qualities of the anti-graft body, the National Police remain intent on pursuing investigations against the commissioners.
State Secretary Pratikno’s call for Budi to step down from consideration as National Police Chief, combined with statements that Jokowi has decided to withdraw his nomination hint that the President is leaning to support KPK. However, the situation may continue to deteriorate if Jokowi leaves the country before making his decision known to the public. In his absence, and with no decision expected until next week, there is an incentive for the National Police to accelerate efforts to accelerate efforts to undermine the existing KPK leadership.
A number of names have begun circulating among leadership circles for alternatives to replace Budi Gunawan. The National Police Commission submitted a list of five names to the President for consideration in early January. Aside from Budi, candidates included Badrodin Haiti, Suhardi Alius, Putut Eko Bayu Seno, and Dwi Priyatno.
Abraham Samad – complaint filed with police, under investigation
Adnan Pandu Praja – complaint filed with police, under investigation
Bambang Widjojanto – charged as a suspect
Zulkarnain – complaint filed with police, under investigation
Information as of 5:30 p.m. WIB, February 4, 2015