Anti-Corruption Daily Digest: Update 2015-2-6

The afternoon of Friday, February 6, saw the largest demonstration since the beginning of the crisis. Supporters of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and PDI-P faced off in front of the KPK headquarters in Kuningan. Three buses of police rushed to the scene, further heightening tensions due to persistent – though unconfirmed - rumors that a search warrant had been issued and would be served at the KPK building. As of 5:50 p.m., all groups of protesters and police had left the vicinity without incident.
On Thursday, Feb. 5, Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prevention unit deputy Johan Budi warned that further delays by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in resolving the current conflict between the anti-graft body and the National Police could potentially affect hundreds of cases currently under investigation. The Jakarta Post quoted Johan as saying “If a total paralysis [of the KPK] does happen, then the option that we will take is leave [the KPK] and return the mandate to the President. What’s the point of staying if our the President does nothing to protect the KPK?”
Domestic media took a markedly more active stance in the conflict on Friday. Although most news outlets have offered coverage of varying quality and intensity, few have issued editorials strongly in favor of defending the KPK and withdrawing Budi Gunawan’s nomination as National Police chief. Friday’s edition of The Jakarta Globe featured an editorial entitled “Jokowi Will Kill the KPK Without Direct Action”, which took a markedly stronger stance than coverage in the previous weeks of crisis. However, with Jokowi out of the country on a five-day tour of ASEAN countries, immediate action from the Presidential Palace is unlikely.
While Jokowi’s coalition parties maintain pressure for Budi Gunawan’s inauguration, Home Minister Tjahjo came to defense of KPK with a statement of support on Friday. Tjahjo said that despite the current conflict, the KPK remained an important institution in the defense of the national interest. While Tjahjo’s statement was important from an institutional point-of-view, his comments about the procedures required to appoint temporary replacement commissioners upset KPK supporters, who felt the Home Minister was looking beyond the current crisis for an opportunity to install new leadership for the anti-graft body.
Tuesday, Feb. 3 – KPK Vice Chair Bambang Widjojanto (BW) questioned at police HQ
Tuesday, Feb. 3 – Representatives of Jokowi’s legislative coalition meet at the Presidential Palace to discuss Budi’s pre-trial hearings
Tuesday, Feb. 3 – Ahmad Syafii Maarif, head of the Team of Nine, announces Jokowi has already decided to withdraw Budi Gunawan’s nomination, no independent confirmation of this statement.
Wednesday, Feb. 4 – National Police reveal investigations into remaining KPK commissioners already underway, indictment of Abraham Samad imminent
Wednesday, Feb. 4 – Jero Wacik skips KPK summons as witness against former staffer
Wednesday, Feb. 4 –Denny Indrayana is reported to National Police for defamation of Budi Gunawan
Thursday, Feb. 5 – Budi Waseso is promoted to three-star general
Thursday, Feb. 5 – KPK’s Johan Budi warns the president on further delays
Friday, Feb. 5 – Home Minister Tjahjo highlights importance of KPK, speaks of replacing commissioners
Friday, Feb. 5 – An estimated 400 KPK and PDI-P supporters face of in front of KPK headquarters
Johan Budi’s statements, combined with the increased media coverage, have helped to highlight the damage caused by the institutional clash between the KPK and the National Police and President Jokowi’s continued inaction.
While Home Minister Tjahjo’s statement today broke the relative silence among cabinet officials on the current stand-off, his attitude toward the current KPK Commissioners indicates an implicit level of support for the National Police’s insistence on pursuing cold cases on scant evidence.
Abraham Samad – complaint filed with police, under investigation
Adnan Pandu Praja – complaint filed with police, under investigation
Bambang Widjojanto – charged as a suspect
Zulkarnain – complaint filed with police, under investigation
Information as of 6:07 p.m. WIB, February 6, 2015