Trends of Corruption Prosecution 2019
Tren Penindakan Kasus Korupsi Tahun 2019
Tue, 09/01/2020 - 13:52

Trends of Corruption
The process of handling corruption cases carried out by law enforcers is not yet transparent and accountable.
The absence of comprehensive information regarding the handling of corruption cases handled by the police, prosecutors, and the KPK.
Efforts to monitor the performance of the handling of corruption cases by law enforcers during the investigation stage.
Based on the 2019 Rule of Law Index issued by the World Justice Project, Indonesia ranks 62 out of 126 countries with a score of 0.52 on a scale of 0-1.
Meanwhile, in terms of the absence of corruption, Indonesia ranks 97 out of 126 countries with a score of 0.38 on a scale of 0-1.
At the regional level, Indonesia ranks 14th out of 15 countries in terms of the non-corruption parameter.