COVID-19 Handling Accountability

CSO Coalition Policy Brief
COVID-19 Handling Accountability
COVID-19 Handling Accountability

Indonesia's experience in handling various large-scale disasters, in particular natural disasters, be it tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, landslides, or earthquakes, provides a general description of the vulnerability in the management of public resources, in particular in budget-related ones, due to the relatively high risk of mishandling. Various cases of corruption have been addressed by law enforcers or reported by survivors who have not received their rightful assistance as they should. Meanwhile, assistance from various donors, both in Indonesia and from the international community continue to pour even as the disaster take place.

Aside from the vulnerability and high risk of corruption in disaster management budgeting, a common problem that often surfaces is the inadequacy in public information management, which leads to a lack of trust in the government at the time when cooperation, collaboration, and multi-stakeholder hand-in-hand efforts are key to a successful national disaster management.

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