Anticorruption Daily Digest: Update 2015-5-29


“Strengthen KPK by Revising the Law”

Judge Haswandi’s interpretation is seen as a precedent to revise KPK Law. Misinterpretation from the judge can be avoided.

Media Indonesia, Friday, May 29, 2015

Judge Haswandi’s verdict on Hadi Poernomo’s pre-trial hearing has resulted in a call to revise the KPK Law in order to avoid misinterpretation of the KPK Law.

Anticipation for Pre-trial “Wave”: KPK is advised to Accelerate Its Investigation

Process and Move to Prosecution”

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is advised to implement an acceleration strategy to bring case to court in order to anticipate overwhelming pre-trial motions against KPK.

Bisnis Indonesia, Friday, May 29, 2015

Since the Constitutional Court ratifies the expansion of Article 77 of KUHAP (Criminal Procedure Code) by adding the authority to examine one’s status as a suspect to pre-trial court, many corruption suspects filed for pre-trial hearing to dismiss their status as suspects. 

Innospec’s Corruption Case: “Former Director of Pertamina Will Soon be Brought to Court”

Bisnis Indonesia, Friday, May 29, 2015

Former Director of Pertamina, Suroso Atmomartoyo, will soon be brought to court in relation to bribery allegation in a a gasoline project from 2004-2005 (commonly known as the Innospec case).

Corruption Allegation in BUMN (State Own Enterprise): The National Police Investigates Paddy Field Case in West Kalimantan”

Bisnis Indonesia, Friday, May 29, 2015

Bareskrim investigates a corruption allegation in a paddy field project in West Kalimantan which occurred in 2012-2014. The value of the project amounts to IDR 317 billion. PT Sang Hyang Seri was appointed to implement the project, but subcontracted the project to PT Hutama Karya, PT Indra Karya, PT Brantas Abipraya, and PT Yodya Karya.

“KPK Requested The Supreme Court to Issue A Pre-trial Guidance

Tempo, Friday, May 29, 2015 

KPK urged the Supreme Court to fix the legal ambiguity created by judge Haswandi in his ruling over Hadi Poernomo’s case. The Supreme Court is expected to issue a pre-trial guidance.

Pre-trial: “Granted Does not Mean No Corruption”

Kompas, Friday, May 29, 2015

Suspects who won the pre-trial hearings are not automatically freed from corruption charges as the charges against them will be examined in TIPIKOR (anti-corruption court).

“Search Conducted in Suryadharma’s House”

Kompas, Friday, May 29, 2015

The Corruption Eradication Corruption (KPK) conducted a search at the house of former Minister of Religious Affair, Suryadharma Ali. The search was conducted on Thursday at noon on 28 May.

The Selection of KPK’s New Commissioners: “Syafii: Appointed A “True Fighter”


Kompas, Friday, May 29, 2015

The Selection Committee is expected to appoint the KPK commissioners who possess integrity, courage, and capability to hold the positions. The candidates have to be a true fighter in combating corruption, especially with the recent effort to weaken KPK.

Information as of 5:30 pm. WIB, May 29, 2015


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