Anti-Corruption Weekly Digest: October 27 - November 2, 2016

Traces of Electronic ID corruption
Opinion: Anti-Corruption universities
Proven to have violated Code of Ethic, Chief of BPK demanded to resign
27 October
Bener Meriah non-active Regent, Ruslan Abdul Gani, was charged with seven years of imprisonment and a fine of Rp. 300 million or six-month imprisonment for being proven to have conducted corruption in the (subsequent) construction of Sabang unloading for 2011 fiscal year.
South Jakarta State Court conducted subsequent proceeding for pre-trial request from former chief of DPD RI, Irman Gusman.
KPK examined the Managing director of T Quadra Solution, Anang Sugiana Sudihardjo. Anang was examined as a witness for electronic ID Card (KTP-E) corruption case with former Director General of Civil Registry of MOHA, Irman, as a suspect.
Maros State Prosecutor Office detained Adi Surahmat Sultan, a suspect from alleged corruption case for BSPS (stimulus support for self-built houses) at Baji Pamai Sub District, Maros Baru District, for fiscal year 2013.
28 October
Malang City Police arrested head of Staffing Agency of Malang District, Suwandi, for suspicions of receiving bribes or extorting civil servants from Malawi District of Kalimantan Barat, Hendrikus, who requested a transfer to Malang District.
Jawa Timur High Prosecutor Office declared Dahlan Iskan as suspect for allegation of corruption case on the sales of PT Panca Wira usaha (PT PWU) assets. The former Minister of State Owned Enterprise was suspected to know and sign the sales of Jawa Timur government owned enterprise. The sales took place when Dahlan was the Managing director of PT PWU.
KPK examined chief of Banyuasin DPRD, Agus Salam, as a witness in a corruption allegation case involving Regent of Banyuasin, Yan Anto Ferdian.
KPK examined Commercial Support Section Head from Finance and Accounting division of PT Sucofindo, R. Pratomo Siddi Supali, as a witness for suspect Sugiharto in relation to corruption allegation in the procurement of electronic ID Card or e-KTP.
31 October
KPK examined former Minister of Finance, Agus Martowardojo, related to the case of corruption allegation for electronic ID Card.
KPK examined Managing director of PT Otoda Sukses Mandiri Abadi (OSMA) Group, Hartoyo, for the suspicion of gratification related to the discussion and legalization of Education Agency budget of Kebumen District in the revised state budget year 2016.
KPK examined former Chair of Constitutional Court (MK), M Akil Mochtar, as a witness for suspect Buton Regent of Sulawesi Tenggara, Samsu Umar Abdul Samiun (SUS), related to the bribery case on electoral dispute on Buton Regency in 2011.
1 November
A joint team from the Police Headquarters and the North Sumatra Regional Police and Police Belawan conduct arrest operations arm on three suspects of corruption, money laundering, and extortion at the ports of Belawan, Medan, Sumatera Utara.
East Java High Court set the former Managing Director of PT Panca Usaha Wira (PWU), Dahlan Iskan, as city detainee. Dahlan was involved with alleged corruption cases and was detained at the Detention Center (Rutan) Medaeng, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur.
Saipul Jamil’s lawyers, Berthanatalia Ruruk Kariman, was indicted with three years and six months in jail and fined Rp100 million or six months in prison for committing a conspiracy to corruption.
2 November
Jakarta High Court judges aggravated the sentence of Dewie Yasin Limpo to 8 years in prison and a fine of Rp 200 million minus 3 months in prison for custody period. The judges revoked political rights of this Hanura politician for three years.
Former Health Minister, Siti Fadilah Supari, were questioned as suspects in corruption cases for procurement of medical equipment for crisis management.
Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK), Hamdan Zoelva, was questioned about bribes elections of Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara, with the suspect Buton Regent, Samsu Umar Abdul Samiun.
Jakarta High Court Judge sentenced the President Director of PT Windhu Tunggal Utama, Abdul Khoir, to 2.5 years in prison and a fine of Rp200 million or six months in prison.
State Attorney detained Sinjai District Secretary, Andi Tayyib Mappasere, for allegedly corrupting civil servants' salaries in Sinjai district office.