Anti-Corruption Weekly Digest: March 10-16, 2016

Tough Sanctions for Not Submitting Wealth Report
More than a year served as public officials, most of House members have not yet submitted the Official Wealth Report (LHKPN). The House members do not have commitments for anti-corruption, especially in publishing the origins of their wealth.
According to Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the number of House members who ignore their obligation to submit the Official Wealth Report are 203 in total. Shocking, one of them is the House Speaker Ade Komarudin who is also Golkar Party politician.
Submitting the Official Wealth Report is an obligation for Public Officials. Based on Article 5 point 3 of Law Number 28 year 1999 concerning The State Organizer Who is Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism, each public officials are obligated to report and publish their wealth, both after or before served as official.
The wealth report will be examined by the KPK. Started from administrative examination, the publication to receive public input, then the special examination such as physical examination and confirmation.
From the official wealth report and its examination process, the KPK will be able to track the increase of wealth and assets of public official, whether it is fair or unfair. The National Police Commissioner General Budi Gunawan’s case can be an example. The case begins with allegations of suspicious transactions in the account of former presidential aide to Megawati Sukarnoputri. Budi Gunawan’s wealth was increasing from 4.684.153.542 million rupiah in August 19th 2008, to 22.657.379.555 million rupiah and 24.000 US dollar in July 26th 2013.
The House member’s awareness and weak sanctions became the main factor of their negligence to submit the Official Wealth Report. That is the reason the state officials are often argued that they are too busy or even forget to submit the wealth report. The House Speaker Ade Komarudin can be an example, his last time of submitting official wealth report was in 2001, argued that he was too busy to submit the report. Though, the Golkar Party’s politician requested the House to be more transparent in discussion of the budget.
There should be tough sanctions to force the state officials to fill and submit the official wealth report. The government regulation (PP) could be solution to reinforce and clarify the sanctions to be imposed on public officials who violate the regulation. In example, by delaying a promotion or withhold benefits of public officials. With the issuance of PP, the number of public officials to report their wealth to the KPK is expected to increase.***
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March 10
Supreme Court (MA) Secretary Nurhadi was questioned by KPK investigators as witness in an alleged bribery that implicates Deputy Directorate on Civil Case Reviews at MA, Andri Tristianto Sutrisna.
KPK named Vice President Director of State-Owned Company PT Berdikari, Siti Marwa, as suspect in a bribery for fertilizer procurement in 2010-2012
Harry Tanoesoedibyo failed to attend questioning at the Attorney General Office as witness in a tax restitution case at telco company PT Mobile 8 Telecom
KPK questioned seven witnesses from PT Hutama Karya in an alleged corruption on a 2011 Interior Ministry procurement and construction project of IPDN campus building in Agam Regency, West Sumatera
Deputy Chairman of Musi Banyuasin Regent Representative Council (DPRD), Islan Hanura, failed to attend trial of a bribery case regarding the council's 2014 report and approval of the 2015 budget at Palembang State Corruption Court that scheduled a defense plea by Darwin AH
The pre-trial litigation on Bank Century was rejected by a solitary judge at South Jakarta State Court
Anti-corruption activist Ronny Maryanto was sent to 6 months incarceration an 10 months trial sentence after deemed guilty in a defamation charge against Fadli Zon
Non-active Head of the Energy and Mineral Resources Office at Deiyai Regent, Irenius Adii, and owner of PT Abdi Bumi Cendrawasih, Setiady, who was accused of bribing member of Commission VII at DPR, Dewie Yasin Limpo, was charged with 3 years imprisonment and a fine of Rp 100m, equal to another 6 months of prison time
Former Chief of Facilities and Infrastructures at Secondary Education Office of the West Jakarta Administration, Alex Usman, was sent to 6 years in prison and fined Rp 500m, equal to a further 6 months imprisonment
March 14
The Regent Secretary of Bantaeng, Abdul Wahab, failed to attend a second summon from the Provincial Attorney General of West and South Sulawesi for questioning in an alleged corruption of the regent’s 2011 social aid fund
KPK sent a second summon for Budi Supriyanto, a member of Commission V in DPR from Golkar Party, for questioning as suspect in a gratification case for ‘securing’ projects at the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry
Senior Manager of Equipments at PT Pelindo II Haryadi Budi Kuncoro attended his first questioning at KPK as a suspect in an alleged corruption of ten mobile cranes procurement at the company
Sumaryono, the suspect in a corruption of logistics distribution fund at the Election Commission of East Java, failed to attend his second summon from the Provincial Attorney General
March 15
The Central Jakarta Corruption Court issued a 7 year imprisonment sentence and a fine of Rp 200m for Dasep Ahmadi, manufacturer of electric cars in his cooperation with the Ministry of State-Owned Companies
Jakarta Corruption Court sent the non-active governor of North Sumatera Gatot Pujo Nugroho to 3 years in prison for bribing judges and clerks at Medan Administration Court. The panel of judges also sent his wife, Evy Susanti, the 2.5 years in prison in the same case. Each of them were fined Rp 150m, equal to another 3 months incarceration
The Corruption Crimes Directorate of the National Police's Detectives Unit questioned three councilmen from Jakarta Provincial Representative Council in an alleged corruption of Uninterrupted Power Supply procurement
Former Minister of Transportation Freddy Numberi was questioned as witness at KPK for their corruption investigation on the third phase construction of BP2IP (Center of Sail Education and Training) in Sorong, West Papua
Two corruption suspects of the 2013 Regent Representative Council salary funds misappropriation in Luwu Timur, Baharuddin and Witman Budiarta, was found not guilty by judges at Makassar Corruption Court
Two corruption suspects on a 2012 tourism zone masterplan development service in Anambas Islands Regent were handed different verdicts. The former chief of Anambas Tourism Office, Raja Ishak, was sent to two years in prison and fined Rp 50m (or another 6 months in prison), while the masterplan project executor, Dewi Khuraisin, was sent to 3 years in prison and fined Rp 50m (or a further 6 months in prison) as well as required to pay a state loss recompensation to the amount of Rp 24m
Member of Commission X in DPR from Golkar Party, Budi Supriyanto, was fetched forcibly by KPK after ignoring two summons for questioning as suspect
March 16
The suspect in an alleged corruption of fertilizer procurement at the Office of Agriculture, Food and Horticulture was charged with 3.5 years imprisonment
The State Attorney General of Bandar Lampung detained two suspects of corruption in a 2012 procurement worth Rp 17.7b for underprivileged students equipments at the Provincial Education Office of Lampung