Anti-Corruption Daily Digest: Update 2015-9-8

“Payment Gateway Case Not Corruption”
Lawyer of former Deputy Minister Denny Indrayana believe that the payment gateway case on electronic passport administration is not a corruption offense. He maintained that there is no direct or indirect flow of funds to Denny Indrayana related to the case.
“ICW Urge New Kabareskrim to Complete 7 Homeworks”
Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) expect new Chief of the Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) Commissioner Gen. Anang Iskandar to improve performance of his new office. ICW recommended seven vital homeworks that Anang need to accomplish.
“Hajj Quota Case Implicates Many”
Media Indonesia, Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Former Minister of Religion Suryadharma Ali argued that there are always 1 to 2 percent of unused national hajj quota every year. Therefore, he distributed the unused quota to many parties in order to minimize state loss. There were 18 partakers that were prioritized to use the unused hajj quota, including parliamentarians and senators, ministry and state institutions, journalists, as well as religious, public and political figures.
“Andrew Proven in Bribing Adriansyah”
Director of coal mining company PT Mitra Maju Sukses, Andrew Hidayat, was sentenced to two years in prison for bribing parliamentarian from PDIP party and Commission IV in the House of Representatives (DPR), Adriansyah. The panel of judges also compel a fine of Rp 200m equivalent with an additional 3 months imprisonment.
“Profiteering in Bambang's Name Probed”
Attorney General Commission probes alleged manipulation of defendant Zulfahmi Arsad's appeal by Central Jakarta Prosecutors against inactive Deputy Chairman of KPK Bambang Widjojanto. The Commission's spokesperson, Indro Sugianto, revealed that his office suspect irregularities in case handling for suspect of false testimony in trial of West Kotawaringin Election at the Constitutional Court, 2010.