Anti-Corruption Daily Digest: Update 2015-8-5

“PKS Member Expose Gatot” – Tempo, Wednesday, August 5, 2015
In the trails of his involvement on bribery currently under investigation by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Governor of North Sumatera Gatot Pujo Nugroho is also accused by the Interior Ministry of abusing his authority. It was revealed that in last February the Ministry had informed Gatot regarding a special examination regarding the case.
“Government Push for Direct Impact Efforts” - Kompas, Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The Government is encouraging intensification of corruption eradication efforts that provide real impacts that directly benefit the people. What the government meant 'direct impact' includes among others to create healthy business environment.
“AGO Won't Back Down” - Kompas, Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The Jakarta branch of the Attorney General's Office (AGO) refuse to resign their investigation on the alleged corruption in the development of 21 main electricity relay stations in Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara. The office is set to issue a new investigation warrant after the South Jakarta District Court annulled their decision to name Dahlan Iskan as suspect.
“AGO Denied Gatot's Plea”
Media Indonesia, Wednesday, August 5, 2015
AGO had denied a demand by the detained Governor of North Sumatera, Gatot Pujo Nugroho, to let KPK handle investigations of his case, the alleged corruption of social aid fund (bansos) in the province.
“Regent of Bener Meriah Aceh Named as Suspect in Bribery” - Kompas, Wednesday, August 5, 2015
KPK had named Ruslan Abdul Gani, Regent of Bener Meriah in Aceh, as a suspect in the alleged corruption on Sabang port development project, which was part of Sabang Free Trade and Ports Region Program during the budget year 2006-2011.