Anti-Corruption Daily Digest: Update 2015-8-20

“When MA Backs Sarpin”
The Supreme Court (MA) sent an confidential-labelled memo to the General Secretariat of the Judicial Commission (KY). The memo contained a joint statement by all MA leaders that rejected KY recommendation to give sanction to South Jakarta District Court judge, Sarpin Rizaldi
“Sutan Refuses to be Convicted Alone”
Media Indonesia, Thursday, August 20, 2015
Former Chair of Commission VII at the Parliament (DPR) from Democratic Party (PD), Sutan Bhatoegana, refuses to have only himself be found guilty in the case involving bribery and gratification. He requested KPK to also question and legally process his former colleagues at Commission VII who he claims have received bribes.
“MA Unconcerned with Shrinking Trend in Corruption Verdicts”
Media Indonesia, Thursday, August 20, 2015
The Chair of MA, Hatta Ali, was not concerned about a recent study by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) which revealed that during the first semester of 2015, judges only sentence corruption crimes to 2 years and 1 month imprisonment, on average.
“Kaligis Opening Trial Scheduled Today at Corruption Court”
The first hearing on a case implicating lawyer Otto Cornelis Kaligis is scheduled to take place today at the Corruption Court. Kaligis is a suspect in an alleged bribery for judges and clerks at Medan Administrative Court (PTUN).
“Pretrial Review of Hadi Poernomo to be Postponed”
Kompas, Thursday, August 20, 2015
A review hearing (PK) filed by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on the pretrial ruling for former Tax General Director Hadi Poernomo was postponed. The hearing was rescheduled to take place on August 27 to hear KPK's appeal and Hadi's reply.