Anti-Corruption Daily Digest: Update 2015-11-18

“KPK reject law revision”
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reject plans from the House of Representatives to revise Law No. 30/2002 about KPK. Deputy Chairman Zulkarnain hoped that the government would not accept the proposition.
“DPR question candidates grouping”
The decision taken by the Selection Committee for KPK commissioner to group the remaining eight candidates in four division is being questioned by factions in Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR). Aside from complicating the selection process, the grouping is also considered to be contradictive to Law No. 30/2002 about KPK.
“President welcomes input”
President Joko Widodo received 18 names of candidates for members of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI) that were recommended by ORI Selection Committee. The names will be processed through validation and finalization before the President submit the names to DPR.
“KPK start probe on Petral”
Media Indonesia, Wednesday, November 18, 2015
KPK initiate an investigation on an alleged corruption of forensic audit results on Petral that implicates Australian auditors and the State Audit (BPK). KPK investigators are to expand their focus from corruption to the extent of state loss, beneficiaries, as well as implicated public officials.