Anti-Corruption Daily Digest: Update 2015-10-1

“Corruption Eradication Will Not Be Hampered”
Media Indonesia, Thursday, October 1, 2015
Attorney General Office (AGO) and the Police of RI welcome the government's plan to issue a Presidential Instruction (Inpres) that would prevent publication of corruption case treatments. They believe that this policy will not hamper law enforcement in corruption cases.
“Bribery for Adoption of North Sumatera Budget” - Kompas, Thursday, October 1, 2015
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) probe alleged bribery for members of the Provincial Representative Council (DPRD) in North Sumatera worth Rp 54 billion. The bribery was intended to nudge the adoption of the province's local budget (APBD), in addition to persuade abrogation of multiple attempts exert the parliamentary right of inquiry (interpelasi) against non-active Governor, Gatot Pujo Nugroho.
“Case Treatment Slacked Due to Lack of HR”
Media Indonesia, Thursday, October 1, 2015
AGO admitted lack of human resources (HR), particularly prosecutors, to help accelerate case treatment in the office. The statement was made in response to an assertion by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) that AGO lacks accessible information about case treatment, hampering public monitoring on its performance.
“Minister's Personal Travels Used Office Budget” - Kompas, Thursday, October 1, 2015
While holding the office of the Minister of Religion, a number of personal expenses of Suryadharma Ali was covered using ministerial budget. For instance, purchase of airline tickets for Suryadharma's personal travel with family to several countries and various regions was paid using funds prepared by staff of the Ministry's Administration Unit, Rosandi.
“Police Handover Suspect in Dwelling Time Case to AGO” - Okezone, Thursday, October 1, 2015
Investigators from Jakarta Metro Police handed over case files and suspect Eryatie Kuwandy aka Lusi along with related evidence in an alleged corruption of dwelling time at Tanjung Priok Container Port to the AGO of Jakarta.