Anti-Corruption Daily Digest: December 7, 2015

“Scrutinize selection of KPK new leaders”
Media Indonesia, Monday, December 7, 2015
Fit and proper test phase on eight candidate leaders for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had commenced at Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR). On December 4, the candidates participate in a paper test in front of the Commission. The fit and proper test will took place for three days from Dec. 14 to 16.
“Busyro’s candidacy imperiled” - Kompas, Saturday, December 5, 2015
Busyro Muqoddas’ candidacy as leader of KPK was put to risk after he failed to attend the paper test. The paper test is a part of the fit and proper test for candidates of KPK leaders for the fourth period 2015-2019.
“2 articles to nab Riza Chalid and Setya Novanto” - Tempo, Monday, December 7, 2015
Oil mogul M. Riza Chalid and Parliament Chairman Setya Novanto are liable to be charged for various violations in the brokerage scandal for PT Freeport Indonesia. Riza and Novanto allegedly initiate a meeting with the President Director of PTFI, Maroef Sjamsoeddin. In the meeting, they asked for a ration of shares in the name of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla.
"Jokowi assure law revision will strengthen KPK"
Media Indonesia, Sunday, December 6, 2015
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) repeated his commitment to strengthen KPK with the revision of Law No. 30/2002 which will be hastened for enactment before the end of the year. While many see the revision as an attempt to weaken KPK, he assured that he will not issue a presidential order (ampres) as a ticket to deliberate the revision.
“Corrupting Rp 6.5b, AKBP ET eluded detention” – Okezone, Saturday, December 5, 2015
Despite being named as suspect in an alleged corruption of the 2011-2014 budget misappropriation of telecommunication services at the Provincial Police of Kalimantan Barat, mid-ranking officer and former Head of IT at the office, AKBP ET, is yet to be detained by investigators.